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accessibility equipment

Can I Rent a Stair Lift?

Some people may think of a stair lift as a permanent solution for somebody that will never be able to climb the stairs on their own again. This is a misconception. Many stair lift providers offer rental and lease to own units for those with temporary mobility issues.

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by John Burfield  | 

Can I Test Ride a Stair Lift Before Buying It?

For many people with limited mobility, adding a stair lift to their home can be a life-changing event. They no longer need to worry about the challenge of climbing the stairs and the impact it had on their daily lives. It can also alleviate a lot of worry about how they were going to keep living independently in the house they love.

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by John Burfield  | 

Can a Stair Lift Be Installed Outside?

Often when we think of a stair lift, we envision it inside someone’s home allowing them to access multiple stories of their house. But for many, accessing an outdoor space, such as a garden or lake, is just as important as getting up to a bedroom or bathroom on a second floor. Fortunately, there are stair lifts that are manufactured specifically to withstand harsh outdoor elements.

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by John Burfield  | 

Wheelchair Ramp or Vertical Platform Lift: Which is Right for You?

More than 3 million Americans use a wheelchair and over 10 million use some other form of walking aid, according to statistics. If you have limited mobility and require the use of a mobility aid such as a wheelchair, scooter, or walker, you’d likely benefit from having a ramp or vertical platform wheelchair lift (VPL) installed in your home.

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by John Burfield  | 

When to Consider In-Home Care for Your Loved One

If you have an aging loved one who lives on their own, you may be concerned about how they handle their activities of daily living (ADL). Tasks such as eating, bathing, toileting, dressing and transferring are essential to independent living. If your loved one is having trouble with these activities, it may be time to consider in-home care to assist with these functions. Knowing what signs to look for can help determine if home care is necessary.

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by John Burfield  | 

Safety Pole Systems: What is a SuperPole and how can it help you?

If you use a mobility device such as a walker or a cane to help you stand from a seated position, you probably know that this can be a tricky maneuver that often requires assistance from another person. It may also be a safety concern. Fortunately, there are a series of affordable safety pole systems that can assist with the sit-to-stand motion for those with limited mobility.

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by John Burfield  | 

Holiday Home Accessibility Checklist

The holiday season is normally the time of year when we gather with family and friends, especially those that we may not see too often.  When we reside in the same living space every day, we tend to get used to how things are, overlooking accidents waiting to happen. Sometimes a small change is all it takes to keep family members safe. If you find problem areas in your loved one's home, consider contacting an experienced home access provider for an accessibility assessment. Many providers will offer them free of charge and will be able to provide the right solution to fit your needs and budget. Unsure where to start? Lifeway's checklist below is the perfect place to begin as it highlights potential problem areas and fall hazards in the home.

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by John Burfield  | 

Commercial vs Residential Vertical Platform Lift (VPL)

While commercial and residential vertical platform wheelchair lifts look similar, there are differences between the two that make commercial units suitable for use in schools, churches, theaters, restaurants, and other public buildings.

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by John Burfield  | 

How Long Will a Stair Lift Last?

With the typical cost for a straight rail stair lift ranging between $2,200-$5,000, and much higher for a curved stair lift, many people want to know how long their unit is going to last 

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by John Burfield  | 

Are Stair Lifts Safe?

A common question among people shopping for a stair lift is, “Are they safe?”. Stair lifts that are installed properly by an experienced provider and used correctly are extremely safe. Quality manufacturers (like Bruno) go to great lengths to make sure their stair lifts meet rigorous safety standards.

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by John Burfield  | 

Can I Install My Own Stair Lift?

If you’re shopping for a stair lift, you may have seen them listed online at lower prices than you’ve been quoted by an experienced stair lift provider. Why? Because those lower online prices typically don’t include installation, warranties, or service after installation. Purchasing a lift online at a lower price may seem like a good way to save some money, but DIY installation is highly discouraged by all reputable stair lift manufacturers, such as Bruno. In fact, most of those dealers do not allow their lifts to be installed by anyone except their trusted dealers.

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by John Burfield  | 

How Can I Make my Bathroom Safer?

As we age, simple tasks such as taking a shower can become a challenge. Bathrooms can be especially risky for those with limited mobility due to slick surfaces and the movements required for bathing and toileting. The National Safety Council estimates that each year, over 200,000 people are injured in their bathrooms. These injuries are mostly due to falls and many of them are preventable.

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by John Burfield  | 

Removing a Stair lift

Some people are reluctant to have a stair lift installed in their home because they are worried about what to do with it when it is no longer needed and what their staircase may look like after it is removed. Fortunately, these problems are easy to address, so that you can use your stair lift worry-free.

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by John Burfield  | 

Buying a Stair Lift

You may have seen television commercials or advertisements for stair lifts and thought that you or a loved one would benefit from having one installed in the home. While these advertisements may demonstrate the features and many benefits of a stair lift, they don’t prepare you for what to expect during the buying and installation process. Fortunately, this process can be trouble-free if you know what to expect and reach out to a local trusted stair lift dealer. In this post, we'll provide helpful information on some of the main factors to consider when buying a stair lift.

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by Eric Rubel  | 

Home Accessibility Improvements to Help Caregivers

According to the National Center for Caregiving, there are an estimated 44 million American adults who provide unpaid caregiving to seniors and adults with disabilities. Of these, 14 million are considered “high-burden” caregivers who provide 21 or more hours of unpaid caregiving per week. Many of these caregivers are untrained and underprepared. The high stress and physical demands of caregiving can have serious consequences on the caregiver’s emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

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by John Burfield  | 

Lifeway Offers Free Grab Bar w/ Stairlift Purchase

When you’re getting older or living with a disability, falling is a serious and scary issue. One out of three Americans over 65 fall every year, and almost 10,000 deaths of older Americans each year are related to falls.

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by Lifeway Mobility Technician   | 

Should I Rent or Buy A Wheelchair Ramp?

At some point, you or a loved one may require a wheelchair ramp to access your home and continue living independently. The decision to rent or buy a ramp depends largely on your unique situation. Here are some guidelines to consider when making this decision. Keep the following considerations in mind to help make the right decision for your specific circumstance.

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by Dan Martin  | 

Bath and Shower Seats for Home

If you have mobility or balance issues, taking a shower or even getting in or out of the bathtub/shower presents a potentially dangerous situation. For most people, a shower is a time for relaxation and stress release. But if you face physical challenges and/or suffer from a health condition, the act of bathing can be a scary, stressful time. An elderly, ill or disabled person should equip his/her bathtub or shower with a bath seat to prevent the risk of falling.

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by Dan Martin  | 

Walk-In Tub or Walk-In Shower? What Are the Options?

The bathroom can present challenges for people who are aging, wheelchair-bound, or have limited mobility. More than 2/3 of emergency room visits are due to falls in the bathroom. A loss of balance, wet floors, tight spaces, and/or bending and lifting required to access the tub and shower, are things that can lead to a fall in the bathroom. With that being said you may be wondering, is it possible to enjoy bathing or showering independently at home for those with balance issues or limited mobility? In the rest of this post, we will provide information about some of the options that can make showering and bathing safe again.

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by Dan Martin  | 

Choosing the Right Wheelchair Ramp

At some point, you or a loved one may need to consider a wheelchair ramp to continue living independently due to a decline in mobility. Whether you’re using a wheelchair, scooter, cane, or simply have trouble with stairs, a wheelchair ramp can be a quick, easy, and affordable solution. There are a variety of ramp options available, so it’s important to consider some of the major factors that can influence your decision.

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by Paul Bergantino  | 

How to Make a Bathroom Wheelchair Accessible

As relatives age, they may require a wheelchair in order to navigate around their home. Unfortunately, with the vast majority of elderly people living in older, more traditional homes as opposed to open floor plan designs, maneuverability with a wheelchair can be very difficult. This is especially true of bathrooms; small footprints, corners, vanities, large tubs, and other storage items make moving around the bathroom challenge. While moving a sink or toilet may not be a viable option, there are many bath safety solutions that can make this space more user-friendly and safe for an aging loved one using a wheelchair.

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by Chris Frombach  | 

How To Help Aging Parents Living Safely & Maintain Independence at Home

Your parents cared for you as you grew up, and now that they are getting older, they may need additional help living safely in their home. In order for your aging parents to maintain their independence, you need to make sure they have the proper home modifications and safety measures in place to keep them out of a nursing home and in the home they love. Below are some home safety tips on how to help your aging parents live safely & independently in the comfort of their own home.

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by Chris Frombach  | 

Join Our Accessible Home Design Webinar

Design Strategies For Residential Aging-In-Place & Accessibility Lifeway Mobility is hosting a FREE educational webinar that will provide valuable information to architects, home builders, contractors, and design professionals. This one hour webcast will cover the importance of creating home floor plans and living environments that accommodate the individual mobility needs of occupants as well as their visitors through functional, attractive designs. This webinar will be taught by Steve Hoffacker, who was named 2015 CAPS Educator of the Year. Take advantage of this valuable opportunity during your lunch break!

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by Paul Bergantino  | 

8 Tips to Make Your Home Wheelchair Accessible

At some point, due to age or disability, you or a loved one may be faced with the prospect of having to use a wheelchair to assist in your primary mobility at home. Whether it be a temporary fixture to your home or something that will be more permanent, there are a number of simple modifications that can help improve accessibility and make life easier. If you are like most people, you live in a home that was not designed to accommodate wheelchairs. Below are some simple ideas on how to make sure that you will be able to stay in your home despite the necessity of a wheelchair.

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by Chris Frombach  | 

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