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customer questions

Can I Install My Own Stair Lift?

If you’re shopping for a stair lift, you may have seen them listed online at lower prices than you’ve been quoted by an experienced stair lift provider. Why? Because those lower online prices typically don’t include installation, warranties, or service after installation. Purchasing a lift online at a lower price may seem like a good way to save some money, but DIY installation is highly discouraged by all reputable stair lift manufacturers, such as Bruno. In fact, most of those dealers do not allow their lifts to be installed by anyone except their trusted dealers.

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by John Burfield  | 

Will a Stair Lift Get in the Way?

A question that customers often ask about stair lifts is whether it will get in the way. This concern is understandable since family and friends will likely need to use the stairs by foot still and will be walking around the home.

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by John Burfield  | 

How Long Should a Wheelchair Ramp Be?

If you plan to add a wheelchair ramp to your entryway, you may be wondering how long it needs to be. Some people might think a shorter ramp is better because it takes up less space and may cost less money. However, if you add a ramp that is too short for the rise of the entryway being ramped, it can be both hard to use and a safety hazard. This often results in a very steep ramp that may resemble a ski jump!

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by John Burfield  | 

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